Emergency Contacts

If you are in crisis NOW, click the links below to take you to the relevant sites.

Samaritans tel:116 123 / email jo@samaritans.org (24 hour response time)
Mind tel: 01225 706532: Wiltshire Mind runs the following services: five peer support group centres (drop-in) at Chippenham, Devizes, Malmesbury,Trowbridge and Melksham and a professional counselling service based at their Head Office location in Melksham.  Website or email office@wiltshiremind.co.uk
Splitz (Domestic Abuse services)
Gingerbread (for single parent family support)
Wiltshire; Social Services - Adult Care
Doorway Chippenham (Homeless Charity & Drop In Centre)

Local Counselling Agencies
Olive Branch Counselling tel: 01249 443810  / 07395 397517 / counselling@olivebranchcounselling.org.uk
Cotswold Counselling tel: 01285 885 830 / email: admin@cotswold-counselling.org.uk
Relate tel: 0300 003 1781 / email appointments.midwilts@relate.org.uk

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